Version 12 of Apache

Updated 2003-02-25 18:11:10

The dominant Web server in the world right now, although Microsoft continues to push IIS hard.


Various Tcl bindings are available: mod_dtcl, mod_tcl, websh, Rivet, NeoWebScript.

More information at and .

There is even an AOLserver plugin that allows it to talk with the Apache Tomcat servlet engine.

 What: Apache Toolbox
 Description: This provides a means to easily compile Apache with SSL, PHP,
        mhash, mcrypt, MySQL, Postgres, imap, xml, ldap, ZendOptimzer,
        mod_dtcl, mod_auth_nds, mod_dynvhost, mod_layout, [WebDAV], mod_fastcgi,
        mod_gzip, mod_throttle, mod_accressref, mod_roaming, mod_auth_sys,
        and a significant library of other modules.  It is customizable,
        menu driven, compiles from source, checks for RPMs that might
        cause problems, and uses wget to download source that is missing.
        Currently at version 1.5.47 .
 Updated: 11/2000

 What: comanche
 Description: Tcl/Tk 8.0 or later tool for configuring Apache HTTP server.
        Tested in Windows NT, Windows 95, and Red Hat Linux 5.0.
        Currently at version 2.0b3.
 Updated: 03/1998
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Daniel Lopez Ridruejo)

 What: Intranet Developer's Kit
 Description: IDK contains enhanced and stabilized internet technologies
        (perl, Tcl, Tk, expect, and Apache) from the internet.  Cygnus
        provides multiple levels of support for IDK.  It is with IDK that
        enterprise clients, ISPs and the like, can establish commercially
        viable WWW presence using FREE software.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] 

 What: Kinetic Application Processor (KAP)
 Description: Kinetic Application Processor (KAP) is an open source Tcl
        plugin for the Netscape and Apache HTTP servers.  It provides the
        HTML developer a <tcl> tag allowing one to embed executable tcl into
        HTML page without requiring the user to download a plugin.  This
        item is nearing pre-release stage.
 Updated: 06/2000
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] 

 What: Mod_dtcl (Aka Apache Tcl)

 Description: Apache module to enable server parsed web pages using Tcl
        as the scripting language.  It is similar in functionality to PHP,
        fast, easy to use, tightly integrated with HTML, and extensible.
        It is currently available in an alpha release.  Includes
        dtcl-mode.el, which lets you switch between Tcl and HTML modes,
        dtcl.tcl, a port of Don Libes' cgi.tcl.  Supports TTML pages.
        Latest version is v0.11.5 .
 Updated: 03/2002
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]  (David N. Welton)
        mailto: [email protected]  (Mailing list)

 What: mod_tcl
 Description: An alternative Apache module.
 Updated: 06/2001
 Contact: Unknown

 What: mod_websh
 Description: Rapid development environment for building WWW applications.
        Written in Tcl.  Runs as an Apache 2 module or in a standard
        CGI environment.  Offers session and state management, command
        dispatching, encryption and logging.
        Currently at version 3.0b2 .
 Updated: 08/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: mod_dav
 Description: A possible project to develop a web client in Tcl to be
        used against the Apache server module mod_dav.
        IETF Distributed Authoriting and Versioning (DAV) protocol is
        currently in development.  Check this site to see what the
        status of this project is.  At the time of the initial entry of
        this item, no coding had begun.
 Updated: 12/1998
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] 

 What: FastCGI for Tcl
 Where:  (???) 
 Description: Extension of CGI that eliminates drawbacks and provides high
        performance, which remaining highly compatible with existing
        CGI applications.  Original only supports Tcl 7.4,
        see idle site for pointers to Tom Pointdexter's version for
        newer support, as well as other language support.
        To use some features you need tclX, at least 8.0.2 installed.
        You must have the fcgi development kit 2.0b2.1 or newer to
        use Fcgi.
        FastCGI is supported by at least these servers:
        Apache 1.2.x (with mod_fastcgi 2.0.9), NCSA 1.5 w/FastCGI support,
        Netscape server w/FastCGI support, Open Market, Stronghold,
        Bluestone Sapphire web servers.
        Some problems appear to exist with this code and recent Tcls, resulting 
         in core dumps on Unix.  Contact Tom Poindexter for details.
 Updated: 11/2000
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] 
        mailto:[email protected]  (Tom Poindexter) 
 What: ZAP!
 Description: Apache module which allows you to build simple WWW
        interfaces to Z39.50 servers, requiring a minimum of knowledge
        about Z39.50.
        Currently at version 1.4 .
 Updated: 02/2003
 Contact: See web site

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