Version 2 of Integers as Boolean functions

Updated 2005-04-13 06:29:36 by suchenwi

if 0 {Richard Suchenwirth 2005-04-12 - Boolean functions, in which arguments and result are in the domain {true, false}, or {1, 0} as expr has it, and operators are e.g. {AND, OR, NOT} resp. {&&, ||, !} can be represented by their truth table, which for example for {$a && $b} looks like:

 a b  a&&b
 0 0  0
 1 0  0
 0 1  0
 1 1  1

As all but the last column just enumerate all possible combinations of the arguments, first column least-significant, the full representation of a&&b is the last column, a sequence of 0s and 1s which can be seen as binary integer, reading from bottom up: 1 0 0 0 == 8. So 8 is the associated integer of a&&b, but not only of this - we get the same integer for !(!a || !b), but then again, these functions are equivalent.

To try this in Tcl, here's a truth table generator that I borrowed from a little proving engine, but without the lsort used there - the order of cases delivered makes best sense when the first bit is least significant: }

 proc truthtable n {
    # make a list of 2**n lists, each with n truth values 0|1
    set res {}
    for {set i 0} {$i < (1<<$n)} {incr i} {
            set case {}
            for {set j  0} {$j <$n} {incr j } {
            lappend case [expr {($i & (1<<$j)) != 0}]
        lappend res $case
    set res

if 0 {Now we can write n(f), which, given a Boolean function of one or more arguments, returns its characteristic number, by iterating over all cases in the truth table, and setting a bit where appropriate:}

 proc n(f) expression {
    set vars [lsort -unique [regsub -all {[^a-zA-Z]} $expression " "]]
    set res 0
    set bit 1
    foreach case [truthtable [llength $vars]] {
        foreach $vars $case break
        set res [expr $res | ((($expression)!=0)*$bit)]
        incr bit $bit ;#-- <<1, or *2
    set res

if 0 {Experimenting:

 % n(f) {$a && !$a} ;#-- contradiction is always false
 % n(f) {$a || !$a} ;#-- tautology is always true
 % n(f) {$a}        ;#-- identity is boring
 % n(f) {!$a}       ;#-- NOT
 % n(f) {$a && $b}  ;#-- AND
 % n(f) {$a || $b}  ;#-- OR
 % n(f) {!($a && $b)} ;#-- de Morgan's laws:
 % n(f) {!$a || !$b}  ;#-- same value = equivalent

So the characteristic integer is not the same as the Goedel number of a function, which would encode the structure of operators used there.

 % n(f) {!($a || $b)} ;#-- interesting: same as unary NOT
 % n(f) {!$a && !$b}

Getting more daring, let's try a distributive law:

 % n(f) {$p && ($q || $r)}
 % n(f) {($p && $q) || ($p && $r)}

Daring more: what if we postulate the equivalence?

 % n(f) {(($p && $q) || ($p && $r)) == ($p && ($q || $r))}

Without proof, I just claim that every function of n arguments whose characteristic integer is 2^2n - 1 is a tautology (or a true statement - all bits are 1). Conversely, postulating non-equivalence turns out to be false in all cases, hence a contradiction:

 % n(f) {(($p && $q) || ($p && $r)) != ($p && ($q || $r))}

So again, we have a little proving engine, and simpler than last time.

In the opposite direction, we can call a Boolean function by its number and provide one or more arguments - if we give more than the function can make sense of, excess arguments are ignored, as the integer can be considered zero-extended:}

 proc f(n) {n args} {
    set row 0
    set bit 1
    foreach arg $args {
        set row [expr {$row | ($arg != 0)*$bit}]
        incr bit $bit
    expr !!($n &(1<<$row))

if 0 {Trying again, starting at OR (14):

 % f(n) 14 0 0
 % f(n) 14 0 1
 % f(n) 14 1 0
 % f(n) 14 1 1

So f(n) 14 indeed behaves like the OR function - little surprise, as its truth table (the results of the four calls), read bottom-up, 1110, is decimal 14 (8 + 4 + 2). Another test, inequality:

 % n(f) {$a != $b}
 % f(n) 6 0 0
 % f(n) 6 0 1
 % f(n) 6 1 0
 % f(n) 6 1 1

See also Parsing Polish notation - A little proving engine - NAND - Boolean Functions and Cellular Automata

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