Version 11 of Playing machine translation

Updated 2003-11-05 14:15:09

if 0 {Richard Suchenwirth 2003-10-26 - Machine translation, conversion of text in one source language S into the equivalent text in another target language T by computers, was one of the earliest dream applications - much work was put in it, and after 50 years the translation quality is still moderate to ridiculous (try Babelfish on a non-trivial text). In this weekend fun project, I want to demonstrate aspects of machine translation very simply. Let S=German (my mother tongue), T=English (so you can judge the outcome), and start with

 Dies ist ein einfacher Satz

The simplest approach is word-by-word translation. The "dictionary" is very simply structured and takes care of German inflection suffixes already (which is a bit wasteful, as it leads to n-plication of entries). It contains a few words more that will be needed in later examples:}

 array set de_en {
    anderen   other
    anderer   other
    Dies      this
    diesen    this
    ein       a
    einen     a
    einfacher simple
    Ich       I
    ist       is
    Satz      sentence
    übersetzen translate
    will      want

if 0 {Our first "translator" requires the input string to be a well-formed list, and leaves words not in the dictionary (e.g. proper names) untranslated:}

 proc translate0 {string dictName} {
    upvar 1 $dictName dict
    set res {}
    foreach word $string {
        if [info exists dict($word)] {set word $dict($word)}
        lappend res $word
    set res

if 0 {

 % translate0 "Dies ist ein einfacher Satz" de_en
 this is a simple sentence

Perfect! But.. well, it was simple indeed. The next test comes out worse:

 % translate0 "Dies ist ein anderer einfacher Satz" de_en
 this is a other simple sentence

Hm... obviously, two German words "ein anderer" should make one English word, "another". Before bothering with multi-word sequence lookup (which is a powerful technique that enhances translation quality), we can fix this one by post-processing, for which we start a map of strings in a global variable - we can always add to it later:}

 set postprocess {{a other} another}


 proc translate1 {string dictName} {
    upvar 1 $dictName dict
    string map $::postprocess [translate0 $string dict]

if 0 {

 % translate1 "Dies ist ein anderer einfacher Satz" de_en
 this is another simple sentence

Good enough. But the next test

 % translate1 "Ich will diesen Satz übersetzen" de_en
 I want this sentence translate

brings us to the limits of word-by-word translation. We rather have to parse the input into a tree structure, do transformations on that tree, and finally render the target text. A simple parser can be borrowed from Syntax parsing in Tcl: }

 proc parse1 {s rules} {
    while 1 {
        set fired 0
        foreach {lhs rhs} $rules {
            if [llength [set t [lmatch [lskim $s] $rhs]]] {
                foreach {from to} $t break
                set s [lreplace $s $from $to \
                [concat $lhs [lrange $s $from $to]]]
                incr fired
        if !$fired break ;# no rule could be applied in this round
    set s

if 0 {Here's a starter kit of German syntax rules (including lexicals) that's sufficient for the example:}

 set rules {
    s  {np vp}
    np {det n}
    np {det adj n}
    np {pn}
    vp {vm np v}
    pn  "Ich"
    vm  "will"
    det "diesen"
    det "einen"
    adj "anderen"
    n   "Satz"
    v   "übersetzen"

#-- ..and some helper procedures:

 proc lskim L {
    # returns all first elements of a list of lists
    set res {}
    foreach i $L {lappend res [lindex $i 0]}
    set res
 proc lmatch {list sublist} {
    # returns start and end positions of first occurrence of sublist in
    # list, or an empty list if not found
    set lsub [llength $sublist]
    for {set i 0} {$i<=[llength $list]-$lsub} {incr i} {
        set to [expr {$i+$lsub-1}]
        if {[lrange $list $i $to]==$sublist} {
            return [list $i $to]
 proc atomar? list {expr {$list eq [lindex $list 0]}}

if 0 {This is the result of the parsing, the tree coming as a nested list:

 % parse1 "Ich will diesen Satz übersetzen" $rules
 {s {np {pn Ich}} {vp {vm will} {np {det diesen} {n Satz}} {v übersetzen}}}

Unitl here we were concerned with single-language analysis. The differences between S and T have to be taken care of in rules how to rewrite, or transform, the parse tree.

Transformation rules can be specified as pairs from to - "if the parse tree contains the sequence from, convert it to the sequence to", where integers denote list elements (counting from 1) of the input, and other %%strings as words that are to be inserted. I use the %% markup to keep the words that are already in T from possible further "translation": }

 set de_en_xform {
    {vm np v} {1 %%to 3 2}

if 0 {The transformation takes a parse tree and rules, traverses the tree recursively, and returns a modified parse tree:}

 proc xform {ptree rules} {
    array set xform $rules
    if [atomar? $ptree] {return $ptree}
    set t [lskim $ptree]
    set children [lrange $t 1 end]
    if [info exists xform($children)] {
        set tree2 [lindex $t 0] ;# top node category
        foreach part $xform($children) {
            if [string is integer -strict $part] {
                lappend tree2 [lindex $ptree $part]
            } else {lappend tree2 [list - $part] ;# literal}
        set ptree $tree2
    set res {}
    foreach part $ptree {lappend res [xform $part $rules]}
    set res

if 0 {Here's how the transformed tree comes out, again as a nested list:

 % xform $pt $de_en_xform
 {s {np {pn Ich}} {vp {vm will} {- %%to} {v übersetzen} {np {det diesen} {n Satz}}}}

The "terminals" (or leaves of the parse tree) are still the German words, but the word order has been changed to the English one, and the "to" has been inserted in the right place. So it's an easy job to finalize the translation by another tree traversal:}

 proc translate2 {string dictName} {
    upvar 1 $dictName dict
    set parseTree [parse1 $string $::rules]
    set xformTree [lindex [xform $parseTree $::de_en_xform] 0]
    string map {%% ""} [translate1 [leaves $xformTree] dict]

#-- This returns the list of the terminal nodes (leaves) of a tree:

 proc leaves tree {
    if [atomar? $tree] {
        set tree
    } else {
        set res {}
        foreach child [lrange $tree 1 end] {
            lappend res [leaves $child]
        join $res

if 0 {

 % translate2 "Ich will diesen Satz übersetzen" de_en
 I want to translate this sentence
 % translate2 "Ich will einen anderen Satz übersetzen" de_en
 I want to translate another sentence

Phew - made it... and these are only the first steps into non-trivial MT... More work is required, but obviously it's fun too to do it in Tcl. Many years ago I've done it in Prolog, but somehow in Tcl I feel more free and easy...

As a first summary, machine translation could involve the following steps:

  • Preprocessing (not shown - case, punctuation, etc.)
  • Lemmatizing (not shown - analyzing word forms, extracting stem + ending)
  • Assigning categories to lemmas (e.g. noun, verb)
  • Parsing into a parse tree
  • Transformation of the parse tree
  • Generation of the target text from leaves of the transformed tree
  • Post-processing (e.g. fixing "a other")

Don't mistake these experiments for a translation system fit for practical use - it's just a toy I've played with. But maybe it can help to understand better the problems and possible solutions of machine translation. }

RobertAbitbol Hi Richard!

Automatic translation will always produce garbage.

I read this page with lots of interest. You are on the right track but you'll need more than what you put in to achieve perfect translations.

I have been working on the problems of machine translation and I am the only linguist who was ever able to produce perfect results on a translation software. My software is user-assisted and written in straight C. I never touched Prolog; I know it was supposed to be the language for translation software.

Mind you it took me a good number of years to achieve this task. I will be marketing it after I work on the dictionaries. I am on AIM pnb120. I can give you some advice on how to set up a wiki for a German dictionary. And I can negociate my first franchise with you. (I'd be getting percentage).

You don't need any capital, any moeny to start. Well really not much.

Anyone interested I can set you up on any starting language to any language; except French and English. (I am taking care of them).

LES: So you say "automatic translation will always produce garbage", but you "were able to produce perfect results on a translation software". Well, make up your mind.

Robert Abitbol Ahah LES! I did not say I did automatic translation. Read well!

LES: Then I don't see what you meant.

Robert Abitbol Well my software does user-assisted translation. The user answers questions.

Automatic translation means the computer doesn't ask questions to the user. It just translates (usually word for word) and it does a lot of mistakes.

You know in this field we use our jargon and we don't realize that we are not being understood by other people. It's my fault I should have done the explanation in my text. Sorry! :-)

LES: I know machine translation and I know CAT: computer-assisted translation (which usually involves translation memory). But I still can't even imagine what kind of achievement you seem to have made. Your words "perfect results" and "user-assisted" have clarified nothing to me.

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