if 0 { [Brian Theado] - 20May2006 - Implementation of [ratcl]-like "views" using the [sqlite] engine. I really like the [ratcl] API and I wanted to see how far I could take it with an [sqlite] backend. It seems to have turned out pretty well. I think I would choose this api over the default [sqlite] api. It's still very rough in some places. It pales in comparison to all the things [ratcl] can do (and will be able to do), but it is still nice. Every view is backed by an actual [sqlite] table. Derived views consist of sql queries. A pipeline of sql queries gets converted into nested subqueries. The supported sql is similar to normal sql (http://www.sqlite.org/lang_select.html), except the from clause should be omitted. The from clause is automatically added in: set v [vdef a b {1 2 3 4 5 6}] ;# Executes create table and 3 inserts view $v get ;# Equivilent to "select * from $table" view $v select a+b as s | get ;# select a+b as s from $table view $v select a+b as s where s > 5 | dump ;# select a+b as s from $table where s > 5 view $v select a,count(a) group by a | get ;# select a,count(a) from $table group by a view $v select a,b | select a | get ;# select a from (select a,b from $table) Pipeline commands exist for "where" and "order by" as shortcuts for "select *": view $v where a > 1 | dump ;# select * from $table where a > 1 view $v order by b desc | dump ;# select * from $table order by b desc Union, intersect, and except operate on multiple views set v2 [vdef a b {7 8 9 10}] view $v union $v2 | get Join also operates on multiple views. Only a subset of the join syntax is functional. The "on" clause doesn't work because it requires knowing table names and the [ratcl]-like api hides table names. However, the "using" clause only identifies column names and will work: set v3 [vdef a c {1 7 3 8 9 10}] view $v join $v3 using (a) | dump ;# select * from $t1 join (select * from $t2) using (a) The sql that will be used for a given derived view can be inspected: view $v tosql '''Resource management''' The underlying [sqlite] table never gets cleaned up, so resources are not managed as nicely as for [ratcl]. However, derived views are simple Tcl lists and so are automatically "garbage collected". vdef and freeze results in the creation of an [sqlite] table The vdef command uses an in memory [sqlite] database to store the underlying tables. The vopen command can be used to create a view from an arbitrary sqlite database '''Mutable views''' Underived views are mutable from the start. Calling a mutable operation on a derived view will result in a "freeze" before applying the operation. Update, insert and delete are supported: view $v set a=55,b=56 where a=1 | dump ;# update $table set a=55,b=56 where a=1 view $v delete where a=55 | dump ;# delete from $table where a=55 view $v insert values (7,8) | dump ;# insert into $table values (7,8) '''No subviews''' Sqlite deals only with flat tables and so subviews aren't supported '''Other operations''': get, clone, dump, html, do, concat, first, last, info, open, freeze, each, rename, omitcols '''Revisions:''' 23May2006 - Added rename and omitcols. [JMN] 24May2006 - added 'colnames_test' which works on tables with no rows.. Haven't tested with 'arbitrary queries' } source sqlite-3_3_5.kit ;# sqlite.org offers this kit with Windows, linux and Mac binaries package require sqlite3 # Adapted from ratcl's m_dump proc dump {v {maxrows 20}} { set data [view $v first $maxrows | get] set colnames [colnames $v] set numcols [llength $colnames] if {$numcols == 0} return set numrows [expr [llength $data] / $numcols] # Calculate column widths for {set col 0} {$col < $numcols} {incr col} { set w [string length [lindex $colnames $col]] for {set row 0} {$row < $numrows} {incr row} { set idx [expr ($row * $numrows) + $col] set cell [lindex $data $idx] if {[string length $cell] > $w} {set w [string length $cell]} } if {$w > 50} {set w 50} append fmt " " %-$w.${w}s append hdr " " [format %-${w}s [lindex $colnames $col]] append bar " " [string repeat - $w] } # Add the header and a formatted version of each row to the output set r [list $hdr $bar] for {set row 0} {$row < $numrows} {incr row} { set cmd [list format $fmt] foreach cell [lrange $data [expr $row*$numcols] [expr ($row+1)*$numcols - 1]] { lappend cmd [regsub -all {[^ -~]} $cell .] } lappend r [eval $cmd] } # Add footer dots if the entire view was not displayed set fullrowcount [view $v select count(*) | get] if {$fullrowcount > $maxrows} {lappend r [string map {- .} $bar]} join $r \n } # Adapted from ratcl's m_html proc html v { set names [colnames $v] set o append o {} append o \n foreach x $names { append o } append o \n view $v each c { append o foreach x $names { set z [string map {& &\; < <\; > >\;} $c($x)] append o { } append o \n } append o
} append o $z
\n } # TODO: should take optional db as input? And the table variable # should be a counter stored in a database table? proc vdef args { variable table if {![info exists table]} { sqlite [namespace current]::db :memory: set table 0 } else { incr table } # Adapted from ratcl's vdef set data [lindex $args end] set args [lrange $args 0 end-1] set d [llength $data] set c [llength $args] if {$d > 0} { if {$c == 0} { error "no args defined" } if {$d%$c != 0} { error "data is not an exact number of rows" } set n [expr {$d/$c}] } else { set n 0 } # Create the sqlite table and insert the data db eval "create table t$table ([join $args ,])" foreach $args $data { set row {} foreach col $args { lappend row [set $col] } db eval "insert into t$table values ([join $row ,])" } # A basic view is just a list of the sqlite db and a table name return [list [namespace current]::db t$table] } proc vopen {db table} {return [list $db $table]} proc freeze v { variable table set db [lindex $v 0] incr table $db eval "create table t$table as [createQuery $v]" return [list $db t$table] } # Adapted from ratcl's m_do proc do {v cmds} { set r [list view $v] foreach x [split $cmds \n] { if {![regexp {^\s*#} $x]} { append r " | " $x } } uplevel 1 $r } # Retreive column names for the given view # TODO: Doesn't work for table with no rows (returns empty list) # I haven't found any other way in sqlite's Tcl API to query # column names from an arbitrary query. It does look possible to # do this via the C API (http://www.sqlite.org/capi3ref.html#sqlite3_column_count and # http://www.sqlite.org/capi3ref.html#sqlite3_column_name will perform column # instrospection on a prepared statement http://www.sqlite.org/capi3ref.html#sqlite3_prepare) proc colnames v { set colnames {} view $v first 1 | each r { set colnames $r(*) } return $colnames } proc colnames_test v { lassign $v db table $db eval "select * from '$table'" result {break} return $result(*) } proc renamecols {v colmap} { set cols [colnames $v] array set renames $colmap set newcols {} foreach col $cols { if {[info exists renames($col)]} { lappend newcols [list $col $renames($col)] } else { lappend newcols $col } } set query "select [join $newcols ,]" } proc omitcols {v omit} { set cols [colnames $v] set newcols {} foreach col $cols { if {[lsearch -exact $omit $col] == -1} { lappend newcols $col } } set query "select [join $newcols ,]" } # TODO: vfun, save? # vfun - sqlite has a subcommand "function" that could accomplish something similar # insert - allow multiple rows by using the same format as for vdef? # commit - sqlite autocommits unless the sql is surrounded by begin/commit proc view {v args} { while {[llength $args]} { set n [lsearch -exact $args |] if {$n < 0} { set n [llength $args]; lappend args | } set cmdAndArgs [lreplace $args $n end] set db [lindex $v 0] set table [lindex $v 1] if {[llength $cmdAndArgs]} { switch [lindex $cmdAndArgs 0] { select - where - order - join - union - intersect - except - first - concat - last { # Derived view operations--just add them to the list-- # they will be processed when createQuery is called lappend v $cmdAndArgs } rename { lappend v [renamecols $v [lrange $cmdAndArgs 1 end]] } omitcols { lappend v [omitcols $v [lrange $cmdAndArgs 1 end]] } clone { set v [eval vdef [colnames $v] {{}}] } get {set v [$db eval [createQuery $v]]} each { set aname [lindex $cmdAndArgs 1] set body [lindex $cmdAndArgs 2] set v [uplevel [list $db eval [createQuery $v] $aname $body]] } tosql { set v [createQuery $v] } do {set v [do $v [lindex $cmdAndArgs 1]]} freeze {set v [freeze $v]} open { set v [vopen $db [lindex $cmdAndArgs 1]] } info { switch [lindex $cmdAndArgs 1] { names {set v [colnames $v]} db {set v $db} table {set v $table} default {error "'[lindex $cmdAndArgs 1]' should be one of names,db,table"} } } dump { if {[llength $cmdAndArgs] == 2} { set v [dump $v [lindex $cmdAndArgs 1]] } else { set v [dump $v] } } html {set v [html $v]} insert { if {[llength $v] > 2} {set v [freeze $v]} # Insert the "into table" part of the delete statement and execute set sql [concat insert into $table [lrange $cmdAndArgs 1 end]] $db eval $sql } delete { if {[llength $v] > 2} {set v [freeze $v]} # Insert the "from table" part of the delete statement and execute set sql [concat delete from $table [lrange $cmdAndArgs 1 end]] $db eval $sql } set { if {[llength $v] > 2} {set v [freeze $v]} # Insert the "table" part of the update statement and execute set sql [concat update $table [lrange $cmdAndArgs 0 end]] $db eval $sql } default { error "Invalid subcommand: '[lindex $cmdAndArgs 0]'" } } } set args [lreplace $args 0 $n] } return $v } proc createQuery v { set db [lindex $v 0] set table [lindex $v 1] set query "select * from $table" ;# return full table if commands are empty foreach cmd [lrange $v 2 end] { # Preprocess some special cases switch [lindex $cmd 0] { concat { set cmd [list {union all} [lindex $cmd 1]] } first { set cmd [list limit [lindex $cmd 1]] } } switch [lindex $cmd 0] { select { # The select can have anything except for the from clause # Insert the from clause just before the first "where", "group", # or "order" clause or at the end if no clauses found if {![regsub {where|group|order} $cmd "from $table &" query]} { set query [concat $cmd from $table] } } where - order - limit { set query [concat select * from $table $cmd] } last { set limit [lindex $cmd 1] set totalrows [db eval [concat select count(*) from $table]] set offset [expr $totalrows - $limit] set query [concat select * from $table limit $limit offset $offset] } join { # First argument is the view to join with, so just do an lreplace of that # arg with createQuery called on that arg set cmd [join [lreplace $cmd 1 1 ([createQuery [lindex $cmd 1]])] " "] set query [concat select * from $table $cmd] } intersect - union - except - "union all" { # First argument is the view to join with, so just do an lreplace of that # arg with createQuery called on that arg set cmd [join [lreplace $cmd 1 1 [createQuery [lindex $cmd 1]]] " "] set query [concat select * from $table $cmd] } default {error "invalid cmd [lindex $cmd 0]"} } set table ($query) } return $query } if 0 { # tests set v [vdef a b {1 2 3 4 5 6}] puts [view $v get] puts [view $v select a+b | get] puts [view $v union [vdef a b {7 8 9 10} ] | get] puts [view $v select a,b,a-b | tosql] puts [view $v order by b desc | get] puts [view $v insert values (7,8) | get] puts [view $v set a=55 where a=1 | get] puts [view $v delete where a=55 | get] puts [view $v select a,b where a=5 order by b | dump] puts [view $v html] puts [view $v do { select a,b,a-b order by b desc first 1 dump }] puts [view $v clone | insert values (1,2) | dump] puts [view $v open sqlite_master | dump] } ---- [Category Database] | [Category Example]