Version 5 of TclOO Reactive Relational Database

Updated 2015-12-27 07:13:54 by Napier


Napier / Dash Automation 2015-12-27

I am not highly versed in the world of databases nor am I claiming this is better or worse than anything else available, but I thought it would be insightful to post this example and possibly get some feedback on it. It is far from complete but it operates as I need it to thus far. The idea is to create a basic database scheme which allows querying of data, event listeners on data changes (subscribe / unsubscribe), and validation to keep the specified structure of the data in-check.

I use Tcl for the purposes of Home Automation so the examples will reflect that.


Here is how it ends up working out thus far...

Creating a Data Store

First we create a "Store" for our data, for my purposes I intend to restrict to a single data store, but there is nothing stopping you from creating multiple.

set Store [DB create Store]

Specifying a Category (Table)

Next we create a "Category" (which behaves similar to a Table in a RDB) and define what "Keys" (Columns) will be available. The "with" part is not strictly required and it would work the same without it.

$Store specify Door with IP State

We can not specify a category which already exists, this will produce an error.

% $Store specify Door with IP
DB ERROR: Door Already Specified

Building an Entry (Row)

Now we are ready to specify an entry to our Category. The syntax for this isn't as fancy at the moment as the above (allowing for a more semantic code)

$Store build Door Door1 IP State Closed
$Store build Door Door2 IP State Closed
$Store build Door Door3 IP State Open

We now have 3 entries: "Door1, Door2, Door3"

There is validation and error reporting being done here. This will stop you from trying to build into categories you haven't specified as well as requiring you have the specified data filled in to appease the specification.


% $Store build Door Door5 IP
         DB ERROR: Schema Does Not Match Provided Data: 
 Required: IP State 
 Received: IP

Subscribing to Events (Callbacks)

It was important that I was able to know when data updates, so I wanted to be able to register callbacks when data changes (but only if data changes). At the moment there is no unsubscribe but it isn't hard to add (and likely will update this with that capability soon enough.

proc doorUpdates {name args} {
      puts "The Door $name was Updated!"
      puts "New Data: $args"

$Store subscribe Door Door1 doorUpdates

Getting an Entries Value(s)

Of course we need to be able to retrieve an entries value(s). This will work similar to dict get of course, except we need to define the table as well.

$Store get Door Door1
% IP State Closed

We can retrieve an entries specific values as well

$Store get Door Door1 State
% Closed

Changing an Entries Value(s)

This allows you to change an entries values (one or multiple).

$Store set Door Door1 State Open

If you are following along, the callback should have triggered:

$Store set Door Door1 State Open
% The Door Door1 was Updated!
New Data: IP State Open

Changing the value to the same value will not trigger any event callbacks:

$Store set Door Door1 State Open

We can set multiple data points at once if we desire:

$Store set Door Door1 State Closed IP
% The Door Door1 was Updated!
New Data: IP State Closed

Querying a Table for Matching Entries

Now what if we want to know the doors that are currently open? The script will automatically generate a valueMap for you to do this easily. This is where I am sure things could be improved for speed, but I did my best! :-)

$Store query Door for State matching Open
% Door3 Door1

Printing the Entire Data

In case you want to see the values that are stored, you can use getAll

$Store getAll

 Door {Door1 {IP State Open} Door2 {IP State Closed} Door3 {IP State Open}}
 Door {schema {IP State} names {Door1 Door2 Door3} valueMap {IP { Door1 Door2 Door3} State {Closed Door2 Open {Door3 Door1}}} listeners {Door1 doorUpdates Door2 {} Door3 {}}}

The Code

package require TclOO
namespace import oo::*

class create DB {
    variable db:State; variable db:Map; variable db:Categories
    constructor args {
        set db:State {}
        set db:Categories {}
        set db:Map {}
    method specify {category "with" args} {
        if {$category in ${db:Categories}} {throw error "DB ERROR: $category Already Specified"}
        if {[string equal $with "with"]} { set keys $args } else { lappend keys $with {*}$args }
        lappend {db:Categories} $category
        foreach key $args {dict set keyDict $key ""}
        dict set {db:Map} $category [dict create schema $keys names {} valueMap $keyDict listeners {}]
    method build {category name args} {
        my Validate category
        if {$name in [dict get ${db:Map} $category names]} {throw error "DB ERROR: $name already exists in $category"}
        set schema [dict get ${db:Map} $category schema]
        if {[my CheckSchema $schema [dict keys $args]]} {
            dict set {db:Map} $category names [ lappend dict {*}[dict get ${db:Map} $category names] $name ]
            dict set {db:Map} $category listeners $name ""
            dict for {k v} $args { my setValue $category $name $k $v }
        } else { throw error "\t DB ERROR: Schema Does Not Match Provided Data: \n Required: $schema \n Received: [dict keys $args]" }
    method query {category "for" key "matching" value} {
        my Validate category
        if { $key ni [dict get ${db:Map} $category schema] } {throw error "DB Error: $key is not in $category Schema"}
        if { [dict exists ${db:Map} $category valueMap $key $value] } {
            return [dict get ${db:Map} $category valueMap $key $value]
        } else { return "" }
    method set {category name args} {
        my Validate category
        set changes 0
        set keysChanged {}
        dict for {k v} $args { 
            if {[my SetValue $category $name $k $v]} {
                incr changes
                lappend keysChanged $k
        if {$changes >= 1} {
            puts "Keys Changed in Method"
            puts $keysChanged
            foreach listener [dict get ${db:Map} $category listeners $name] {
                if {$listener == ""} {continue}
                {*}::$listener $name {*}[dict get ${db:State} $category $name]

    method get {category name args} {
        my Validate category
        if {[dict exists ${db:State} $category $name {*}$args]} {return [dict get ${db:State} $category $name {*}$args]}
    method subscribe {category name callback} {
        my Validate category
        if { $callback in [dict get ${db:Map} $category listeners $name] } { throw error "DB Error: Listener already Registered" }
        dict set {db:Map} $category listeners $name [ lappend dict {*}[dict get ${db:Map} $category listeners $name] $callback ]
    method Validate {args} {
        if { "category" in $args } {
            upvar 1 category category
            if { $category ni ${db:Categories} } { throw error "DB Error: $category category does not exist" } 
    method setValue {category name key value} {
        if {![dict exists ${db:Map} $category valueMap $key $value]} { dict set {db:Map} $category valueMap $key $value "" }
        set oldValue [expr {[dict exists ${db:State} $category $name $key] ? [dict get ${db:State} $category $name $key] : "" }]
        if {[string equal $oldValue $value]} {puts "$oldValue equals $value"; return 0}
        if {$oldValue != ""} {
            dict set {db:Map} $category valueMap $key $oldValue [ lsearch -all -inline -not -exact [dict get ${db:Map} $category valueMap $key $oldValue] $name ]
        dict set {db:Map} $category valueMap $key $value [ lappend dict {*}[dict get ${db:Map} $category valueMap $key $value] $name ]
        dict set {db:State} $category $name $key $value
        return 1
    method CheckSchema {l1 l2} {
        foreach i $l1 { if { [ lsearch -exact $l2 $i ] == -1 } { return 0 } }
        foreach i $l2 { if { [ lsearch -exact $l1 $i ] == -1 } { return 0 } }    
        return 1
    method getAll {} {
        puts "\n---------------------------"
        puts "\t State: \n ${db:State}"
        puts "\t Categories: \n ${db:Categories}"
        puts "\t Map: \n ${db:Map}"
        puts "---------------------------\n"