TPL - Tool Protocol Language. [CMcC] 28Oct08 17:11 AEST ''NB: this is not a description of a new language, but an essay on thinking about tcl in a different way.'' The world has many protocols for communicating between processes ('''IPC'''). Some are binary, some are ASCII. I will call ASCII protocols for IPC ''protocol languages.'' Examples of ''protocol languages'' and ''binary protocols'' * XML is used in XML RPC type IPC. * FCGI, SCGI, CGI have aspects of protocol languages, and some of binary protocols. * HTTP is used in [REpresentational State Transfer, REST] * [JSON] is used in [AJAX] * several data representation languages [YAML], ... * XDR is a binary protocol used in SUN RPC * command-line protocol - used to invoke commands from a process, per the unix '''system()''' command, e.g. Tcl (arguably) has many characteristics desirable in a ''protocol language'': * minimal syntax * readily parseable * omnipresence * well known and understood * flexible * expressive * command-args form * long history of data-as-code and code-as-data * long history of use of [little language]s The purpose of this page is to argue this assertion, to explore the truth of the foregoing assertion, to explore counterarguments, to deepen understanding of tcl as a protocol language, to explore prerequisites for its use in this role. It seems to me [CMcC] that a cut-down tcl syntax, without special meaning attributed to {*}, $ and [[]] would serve well in this role. Such a restricted syntax should be called TPL or perhaps TDL ([Tcl Data Language]) Many applications and systems provide a plugin API. Such an API will necessarily have an expression of the form ''command+args->result'', and will therefore be well suited to a TPL representation. Examples of plugin APIs: * [GIMP] * [postfix] * [Apache] * [varnish] * [asterisk] In many cases, wrappers for library APIs have a similar form, ''command+args->result'', and in fact many [critcl] and other such wrappers translate C APIs into this form. The advantage and virtue of TPL is that it formalises the useful TCL syntax subset in a way which might be of interest to people outside the TCL community. A precedent for TPL may be found in [JSON]. All ''command+arg->result'' forms can be represented as tcl-syntax lists, and these are clearly and obviously trivial to interpret in tcl. Providing a C library which translates a meaningful set of C data types into and out of TPL would enable conversion of any plugin API into wire-ready TPL protocol language. One thing which would be useful in this endeavour is production of a subset of the tcl syntax [*dekalog] sufficient to completely define TPL as a subset, and perhaps the full tcl syntax could be expressed in terms of TPL. Dynamics of protocol interaction: There are several styles of protocol interaction: * simple request/confirmation - RPC * pipelined request/confirmation - HTTP ** in-order confirmation pipelining ** out-of-order confirmation * multiplexed ''streams'' of the above - FCGI Consideration must be given to each of these styles. ---- !!!!!! %| enter categories here |% !!!!!!