[JOB] 16-08-11 A TclOO class implementing a breadcrumbs megawidget. Might be usefull as a starting point. [WikiDBImage breadcrumbs.png] ****breadcrumbs.tcl**** ====== # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # breadcrumbs.tcl --- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (c) 2016, Johann Oberdorfer - Engineering Support | CAD | Software # johann.oberdorfer [at] gmail.com # www.johann-oberdorfer.eu # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This source file is distributed under the BSD license. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the BSD License for more details. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Purpose: # A TclOO class implementing a breadcrumbs megawidget. # Might be usefull as a starting point. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TclOO naming conventions: # public methods - starts with lower case declaration names, whereas # private methods - starts with uppercase naming, # so we are going to use CamelCase ... # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Credits: # - Open Icon Library Packages, Archive Creator: Jeff Israel # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # >>> # >>> What is the good thing to do today: # >>> to help to make the world a better place... # >>> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Documentation: # -------------- # draw a navigation - similar like web-page "breadcrump" navigation # might be somethimes usefull to e.g. indicate current settings # or to improve user experience # # widget commands: # configure # cget # # the widget's configuration options: # -foreground ... fgcolor # -background ... bgcolor # -textlist ..... list of strings specifying the "breadcrump" navigation bar package provide breadcrumbs 0.1 namespace eval breadcrumbs { variable image_dir variable image_file set this_dir [file dirname [info script]] set image_dir [file join $this_dir "images"] set image_file [file join $this_dir "ImageLib.tcl"] proc LoadImages {image_dir {patterns {*.gif}}} { foreach p $patterns { foreach file [glob -nocomplain -directory $image_dir $p] { set img [file tail [file rootname $file]] if { ![info exists images($img)] } { set images($img) [image create photo -file $file] } }} return [array get images] } # this is a tk-like wrapper around my... class so that # object creation works like other tk widgets proc breadcrumbs {path args} { set obj [BreadCrumpsClass create tmp $path {*}$args] # rename oldName newName rename $obj ::$path return $path } # font creation # ------------- set fsize 8 set ffamily "MS Sans Serif" ;# "Helvetica" / "Courier New" set fnames [font names] if {[lsearch $fnames MY_FONT_STD_NORMAL] == -1} { font create MY_FONT_STD_NORMAL -family $ffamily -size $fsize -weight normal } else { font configure MY_FONT_STD_NORMAL -family $ffamily -size $fsize -weight normal } if {[lsearch $fnames MY_FONT_STD_BOLD] == -1} { font create MY_FONT_STD_BOLD -family $ffamily -size $fsize -weight bold } else { font configure MY_FONT_STD_BOLD -family $ffamily -size $fsize -weight bold } } oo::class create BreadCrumpsClass { variable txtwidget variable widgetOptions variable widgetCompounds constructor {path args} { set image_file $::breadcrumbs::image_file set image_dir $::breadcrumbs::image_dir # --------------------------------------------------------------- # read images from library file or alternatively one by one # --------------------------------------------------------------- if { [file exists $image_file] } { source $image_file array set widgetCompounds [array get images] } else { array set widgetCompounds [::breadcrumbs::LoadImages \ [file join $image_dir] {"*.gif" "*.png"}] } # --------------------------------------------------------------- array set widgetCompounds { img_cnt 0 } # declaration of all additional widget options # retrieve option settings from ttk set fg [ttk::style configure . -foreground] set bg [ttk::style configure . -background] array set widgetOptions [list \ -textlist {} \ -foreground $fg \ -background $bg \ ] # we use a frame for this specific widget class my Build [ttk::frame $path -class breadcrumbs] # we must rename the widget command # since it clashes with the object being created set widget ${path}_ rename $path $widget my configure {*}$args } # add a destructor to clean up the widget destructor { set w [namespace tail [self]] catch {bind $w {}} catch {destroy $w} } method cget { {opt "" } } { my variable txtwidget my variable widgetOptions if { [string length $opt] == 0 } { return [array get widgetOptions] } if { [info exists widgetOptions($opt) ] } { return $widgetOptions($opt) } return [$txtwidget cget $opt] } method configure { args } { my variable txtwidget my variable widgetOptions if {[llength $args] == 0} { # return all text widget options set opt_list [$txtwidget configure] # as well as all custom options foreach xopt [array get widgetOptions] { lappend opt_list $xopt } return $opt_list } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} { # return configuration value for this option set opt $args if { [info exists widgetOptions($opt) ] } { return $widgetOptions($opt) } return [$txtwidget cget $opt] } # error checking if {[expr {[llength $args]%2}] == 1} { return -code error "value for \"[lindex $args end]\" missing" } # process the new configuration options... array set opts $args foreach opt_name [array names opts] { set opt_value $opts($opt_name) # overwrite with new value if { [info exists widgetOptions($opt_name)] } { set widgetOptions($opt_name) $opt_value } # some options need action from the widgets side switch -- $opt_name { -foreground { ttk::style configure myCustom.TLabel -foreground $opt_value $txtwidget configure -fg $opt_value } -background { ttk::style configure myCustom.TLabel -background $opt_value $txtwidget configure -bg $opt_value } -textlist { my InsertTextItems $opt_value } default { # if the configure option wasn't one of our special one's, # pass control over to the original text widget if {[catch {$txtwidget configure $opt_name $opt_value} result]} { return -code error $result } } } } } # if the command wasn't one of our special one's, # pass control over to the original text widget method unknown {method args} { my variable txtwidget if {[catch {$txtwidget $method {*}$args} result]} { return -code error $result } return $result } } oo::define BreadCrumpsClass { # -------------------------------- # Private interface implementation # -------------------------------- method InsertTextItems {textlist} { my variable txtwidget my variable widgetCompounds $txtwidget configure -state normal $txtwidget delete 0.0 end set cnt 0 foreach item $textlist { set item [string trim $item] if {[string length $item] == 0} { continue } # create unique widget reference incr widgetCompounds(img_cnt) set img_label $txtwidget.$widgetCompounds(img_cnt) if {$cnt == 0} { set img $widgetCompounds(insert-comments) } else { set img $widgetCompounds(media-playback-play-blue) } # create embedded widget to display image ... ttk::label $img_label \ -image $img \ -style myCustom.TLabel $txtwidget window create end -window $img_label $txtwidget insert end " " incr cnt if {$cnt < [llength $textlist]} { $txtwidget insert end $item ATTR_TXT0 $txtwidget insert end " " } else { $txtwidget insert end $item ATTR_TXT1 } } $txtwidget configure -state disabled } method Build {frm} { my variable widgetCompounds my variable txtwidget set f [ttk::frame $frm.bttn] pack $f -fill x -side top -expand true # ------------------------ # text widget goes here... # ------------------------ text $f.txt \ -wrap word \ -relief flat \ -state disabled \ -height 1.5 \ -padx 4 pack $f.txt -fill x -expand true set txtwidget $f.txt $txtwidget tag configure ATTR_TXT0 \ -font MY_FONT_STD_NORMAL \ -foreground "DarkBlue" $txtwidget tag configure ATTR_TXT1 \ -font MY_FONT_STD_NORMAL \ -foreground "DarkRed" } } # --- # eof # --- ====== ****breadcrumbs_demo.tcl**** ====== # for development: try to find autoscroll, etc ... set this_file [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]] # where to find required packages... set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file join $this_file ".."]] set auto_path [linsert $auto_path 0 [file join $this_file "../../lib"]] package require Tk package require TclOO package require breadcrumbs # --------- # demo code # --------- catch {console show} set b [breadcrumbs::breadcrumbs .b] pack $b -side top -fill x ;# -expand true $b configure -textlist {"Hello" "World," "here" "we" "are:"} $b configure -background "LightGrey" ;# "LightBlue" ====== ****ImageLib.tcl**** ====== # ImageLib.tcl --- # Automatically created by: CreateImageLib.tcl set images(media-playback-play-blue) [image create photo -data { iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAABGdBTUEAAK/INwWK6QAAAAZiS0dE AAAAAAAA+UO7fwAAAAlwSFlzAAAASAAAAEgARslrPgAAAAl2cEFnAAAAEAAAABAAXMatwwAAAtJJ REFUOMulk01vG1UUhh/PjD3+mNSxE7txgqxAE2OsVAqipQvYIEWFf0D32WTb/oL+AMS6KrsuqrBE qipk9WMDVVGbkooqTF0lDSEThzih9ow/xvbMPSwcV5Vgx5XO5uo+R++5530jIsK75/INZoE5IAek T69bQANwqmscvPs+Mm5w+QYWUL444166cNatzCb95VQ0KIsIbl+zD9rm5sZReuvZceYXwK6u0X7b 4BT+eHWpvlKZ7l3J56ZLqWSCuGkA0POHeO0Oe/sHNfsksX57+4N7wK/VNdrGqZLy6lJ9ZSnnXzs3 X7TipkFvEOJ1AwQwozqz+QxnJlKl8IV97ev5V3y/u9gDnuqPZq7PXpxxV74ouqsL7xcLcdPg2B3Q HwqPXjYpZOL4gcLrhUxNmGSzmZj3106hNYg63/5sORowdyHfquRz06UxrARE4Fa1xuNaExFQStg/ 8bESMYrz86WF2G4FmNOAXCHpL6eSCTr9kFCNYIUgorhVtXlcawKgBNxuQHYyjaWOl4GcBqSTxrAc Nw38gQIgFEEpAUa1/nCXV/UuSgluLyBtmURVpwykNYDxKkWEUAQRYWwPXY8R9LucL1ooGanwByHD 4RAADWi5fc1udweYUQ2lRrAS0PUowcDn5tXPcHshIsJEXOfoTYf2QLeBlgY0HC+26bptrLiBEgjV aIQx3OoGKCUoBVbCYN+pcxKkN4GGBjhPj9Jb2zs7tTeeT3E6TqhGCm5e/ZxmJ0Cp0b8sFJLsHbb4 7flGbY/FLcDRt+9c9775KSlT+t9Dr/H6k3RmKvbeVBItEqHdD9E0mLSizEyavK43uftjtX3Yz373 e+TTB9U1Xo6daP9QP5/4cvIJzfsPryyWPioVzubInEkShMLhiceTPx1ePN+oNVR+/Vn0q3uA/Z9h Ohf749Kcsiup4Gg5Jt1yEIT4Ytotspt1o7LlaB/+O0z/J87/ALPahd78pgKZAAAAJXRFWHRjcmVh dGUtZGF0ZQAyMDA5LTExLTE2VDIyOjE4OjE2LTA3OjAw/Xf1dQAAACV0RVh0ZGF0ZTpjcmVhdGUA MjAxMC0wMS0xMVQwNjo1MzowNy0wNzowMDD5qPMAAAAldEVYdGRhdGU6bW9kaWZ5ADIwMTAtMDEt MTFUMDY6NTM6MDctMDc6MDBBpBBPAAAAYnRFWHRMaWNlbnNlAGh0dHA6Ly9jcmVhdGl2ZWNvbW1v bnMub3JnL2xpY2Vuc2VzL2J5LzMuMC8gb3IgaHR0cDovL2NyZWF0aXZlY29tbW9ucy5vcmcvbGlj ZW5zZXMvYnkvMi41L4uGPGUAAAAldEVYdG1vZGlmeS1kYXRlADIwMDYtMDMtMTJUMjE6NTE6MzQt MDc6MDCfAsjjAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAABt0RVh0U291 cmNlAEZBTUZBTUZBTSBTaWxrIEljb25zgnpk+wAAADN0RVh0U291cmNlX1VSTABodHRwOi8vd3d3 LmZhbWZhbWZhbS5jb20vbGFiL2ljb25zL3NpbGsvwsQNDQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== }] set images(insert-comments) [image create photo -data { iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAABGdBTUEAAK/INwWK6QAAAAZiS0dE AAAAAAAA+UO7fwAAAAlwSFlzAAAASAAAAEgARslrPgAAAAl2cEFnAAAAEAAAABAAXMatwwAAAfFJ REFUOMuNkk1rE1EUhp+ZJkOtk1pqqStBLVEXdSG0bly5GlBcCok/oKAgbseNukvwHyilkWwCZilC klJdJEgFCRRqSkiJ2NLiV1OKxiTzcY+bpCVhUvrC5cK95z3nvQ9XiyVyV4EFYIZgtYECsJyxra3B yxDwYOH27OxcdBrpncrR1nE9s7S+ez9b3DwPPB9soAMX56LT+AK+As8HRwmOL3Q8hREOMX/5HMCl oHih3iQR8JQgIoiAEkEJgOI4hQBN00AJSNdU3W6Mv12tz/w6aEW0oxepeDJ/t+trAmkgHQI6jqPG ImNhGk2FiPDu09fonRsXzgRwMbpcJkrru0+yxc0rOpB7vVzhy7c9zpphpiIG3/ebp0/I5Zqesa3F z7Wfz15ky3v7fzt8WNvB9VQfF08pfF9wfYXrC453xEUHyNhWCWit1X+TKlRcoD3IpQdVKUEpYUTX AMI6QDyZPwVMLuUrDvAIaDqOwhwd6WsS0jVGwzqTpoHrK4CO3k1iAmXgYca2akAqvbJBdbtxyGUq YuC6Hn/+dXhTrGEvfWwBrzSRQ859iifz94DFl49vja9u/CBVqAhQB1rAe+BpxrYOuh8neMUSuWqh vCWxRK4dS+SuB9Ucl8AEdgADuJmxrXJQnc5wTQArwPwwMzA8wUn1H+DSNPT2LId8AAAAJXRFWHRj cmVhdGUtZGF0ZQAyMDA5LTExLTE2VDIyOjE4OjE2LTA3OjAw/Xf1dQAAACV0RVh0ZGF0ZTpjcmVh dGUAMjAxMC0wMS0xMVQwNjo1MzowMC0wNzowMPVeln0AAAAldEVYdGRhdGU6bW9kaWZ5ADIwMTAt MDEtMTFUMDY6NTM6MDAtMDc6MDCEAy7BAAAAYnRFWHRMaWNlbnNlAGh0dHA6Ly9jcmVhdGl2ZWNv bW1vbnMub3JnL2xpY2Vuc2VzL2J5LzMuMC8gb3IgaHR0cDovL2NyZWF0aXZlY29tbW9ucy5vcmcv bGljZW5zZXMvYnkvMi41L4uGPGUAAAAldEVYdG1vZGlmeS1kYXRlADIwMDYtMDMtMTJUMjE6NTE6 MTAtMDc6MDApaOuNAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAABt0RVh0 U291cmNlAEZBTUZBTUZBTSBTaWxrIEljb25zgnpk+wAAADN0RVh0U291cmNlX1VSTABodHRwOi8v d3d3LmZhbWZhbWZhbS5jb20vbGFiL2ljb25zL3NpbGsvwsQNDQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== }] ====== ****pkgIndex.tcl**** ====== package ifneeded breadcrumbs 0.1 [list source [file join $dir breadcrumbs.tcl]] ====== <> widget