[Richard Suchenwirth] 2006-08-24 - Specifying [menu] items can get a bit verbose due to several keywords that have to be used, but since [TkPhotoLab] I've started to use this little wrapper which concentrates the ugly reality in one place, and henceforth allows to use beautifully [simple] menu specifications: proc m+ {head name {cmd ""}} { if {![winfo exists .m.m$head]} { .m add cascade -label $head -menu [menu .m.m$head -tearoff 0] } if [regexp ^-+$ $name] { .m.m$head add separator } else {.m.m$head add command -label $name -comm $cmd} } #-- Demo example: #!/usr/bin/env tclsh package require Tk . configure -menu [menu .m] m+ File Open {.t insert end "opened\n"} m+ File Save {.t insert end "saved\n"} m+ File ----- m+ File Exit exit m+ Edit Cut ... pack [text .t -wrap word] -fill both -expand 1 ---- An earlier, less simple approach is at [Menus made easy] ---- [DKF]: Here's a version that does a little bit more processing: proc m+ {head name {cmd ""}} { # OK, it's using an undocumented and unsupported feature of Tk if {![winfo exists .m.m$head]} { foreach {l u} [::tk::UnderlineAmpersand $head] break .m add cascade -label $l -underline $u -menu [menu .m.m$head -tearoff 0] } if {[regexp ^-+$ $name]} { .m.m$head add separator } else { foreach {l u} [::tk::UnderlineAmpersand $name] break .m.m$head add command -label $l -underline $u -comm $cmd } } I've done even more complex versions in the past where I'd also give the binding for the hotkey for the menu entry and the code would generate the accelerator to go with that as well as binding the accelerator correctly. It's nice, but the code is (very) long-winded. ---- [Category GUI] | [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]