What: mclistbox - '''multicolumn listbox''' Where: http://tcllib.sf.net/ http://purl.oclc.org/net/oakley/tcl/mclistbox/ http://purl.oclc.org/net/oakley/tcl/mclistbox/mcwidget.tcl Description: Pure Tcl/Tk multicolumn listbox widget. Each column may have its own fore/back ground colors and some font control, headers, columns can be scrollable, and can execute commands when the selection changes. Requires Tcl 8.x. Works on MacOS, Unix, and other OSes. mcwidget is an informal replacement for the listbox which adds the ability to tag individual elements of rows and columns. Updated: 07/2003 Contact: mailto:oakley@bardo.clearlight.com (Bryan Oakley) ---- See also: * [tablelist] * [tablelist vs mclistbox] ---- [Bryan Oakley] | [Category Package], [Tk] | [Category GUI] | [Category Widget]