Subcommand of [string], returns the length of its argument in (Unicode) characters, which may differ from the result of [string bytelength] on the same string (because of the UTF-8 implementation). If you want to use a name familiar from C, you might do this: interp alias {} strlen {} string length ---- 2003-10-17 in the [Tcl chatroom], some of us played around with silly pure-Tcl implementations of ''string length'': proc strlen s { set n 0 foreach char [split $s ""] {incr n} set n } ;# RS ---- proc strlen s {llength [split $s ""]} ;# AM ---- proc strlen string { regsub {.} $string +1 string expr 0$string } ;# MS ---- proc strlen string {expr 0[regsub -all . $string +1]} ;# dkf ---- [Category Command] | [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]