'''[http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/ThreadCmd/thread.htm%|%thread]''' an [extension] distributed with [Tcl], brings native [threads%|%thread] capabilities to [Tcl]. ** Disambiguation ** [http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/threaded-code.html%|%A distinct meaning] of "thread" occurs in discussions of [bytecode], especially when [Forth] is nearby. ** Attributes ** What: Thread extension Where: http://tcl.sf.net/ Where: https://core.tcl.tk/thread/timeline?y=ci Description: This Tcl extension, with a thread-enabled core, allows script level access to run Tcl scripts within threads. Currently at version 2.7.0. Updated: 2013-01-02 Contact: See web site ** Associated Modules ** [ttrace]: Replicate interpreter state in a multithreading application. [tpool]: Pools of worker threads. tsv: Share data between threads. ** See Also ** [Threads]: general information about threads [Tcl and threads]: general information about threads and Tcl [asynchronous threads], by [CmcC]: An [object orientation%|%OO] wrapper to make asynchronous threading over the [Thread] package a little easier. [two threads run synchronously]: an example [http://paste.tclers.tk/2799%|%Thread worker example]: by [dgp] [thread: -eventmark and send -async]: How these two features can interact in surprising ways. [daerth]: Threaded pipelined backpressure-mediated dearth stations. Stations operate in '''multi''' or '''balanced''' mode, the latter being an alternative to tpool. [ttrace]: Replicate interpreter state across threads. ** Critique ** [dgp] in the [Tcl chatroom], 2013-04-04: ======none 10:41 <@ijchain> tpool::get has ability to capture the error state of a worker thread in the pool. 10:43 <@ijchain> it does look like [tpool::wait] is the only way to wait for worker thread completion. That's unfortunate. 10:45 <@ijchain> I imagine you can work around the design defect. 10:45 <@ijchain> But now I've got reasons not to use tpool. Thanks for that. ====== ** Documentation ** [http://www.tcl.tk/doc/howto/thread_model.html%|%Tcl Threading Model]: an overview. [http://www.beedub.com/book/4th/Threads.pdf%|%Multi-Threaded Tcl Scripts]: A sample chapter from [Book Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk%|%Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk]. [http://docs.activestate.com/activetcl/8.5/thread/toc.html%|%man pages]: at [ActiveState] [http://core.tcl.tk/thread/finfo?name=doc/html/thread.html%|%thread man page] (alternates: [http://docs.activestate.com/activetcl/8.6/thread/doc/thread.html%|%ActiveState], [http://tcl.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/tcl/thread/doc/html/thread.html%|%(sourceforge)]): [http://core.tcl.tk/thread/finfo?name=doc/html/tpool.html%|%tpool man page] (alternates: [http://docs.activestate.com/activetcl/8.6/thread/doc/tpool.html%|%ActiveState], [http://tcl.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/tcl/thread/doc/html/tpool.html%|%sourceforge]): [http://core.tcl.tk/thread/finfo?name=doc/html/tsv.html%|%tsv man page] (alternates: [http://docs.activestate.com/activetcl/8.6/thread/doc/tsv.html%|%ActiveState], [http://tcl.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/tcl/thread/doc/html/tsv.html%|%sourceforge]): [http://core.tcl.tk/thread/finfo?name=doc/html/ttrace.html%|%ttrace man page] (alternates [http://docs.activestate.com/activetcl/8.6/thread/doc/ttrace.html%|%ActiveState], [http://tcl.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/tcl/thread/doc/html/ttrace.html%|%sourceforge]: ** Community ** [https://lists.sourceforge.net/mailman/listinfo/tcl-threads%|%tcl-threads mailing list]: at [SourceForge]. ** Tools ** [dqkit]: is a convenient deployment. [snichols]: I've had problems with [dqkit] and Tcl threads. On a Win32 system in order to find packages in a child thread I had to put the package files outside of the starkit. Because of that its almost easier to just use a thread enabled Tcl interpreter instead of dqkit if the package files have to exist outside of the [starkit]. ** commands ** `package require Thread` : '''[thread::create]''' ?'''-joinable'''? ?'''-preserved'''? ?''script''? : '''[thread::preserve]''' ?''id''? : '''[thread::release]''' ?'''-wait'''? ?''id''? : '''[thread::id]''' : '''[thread::errorproc]''' ?''procname''? : '''[thread::unwind]''' : '''[thread::exit]''' : '''[thread::names]''' : '''[thread::exists]''' ''id'' : '''[thread::send]''' ?'''-async'''? ?'''-head'''? ''id script'' ?''varname''? : '''[thread::broadcast]''' ''id script'' : '''[thread::wait]''' : '''[thread::eval]''' ?'''-lock''' ''mutex''? ''arg'' ?''arg ...''? : '''[thread::join]''' ''id'' : '''[thread::configure]''' ''id'' ?''option''? ?''value''? ?...? : '''[thread::transfer]''' ''id channel'' : '''[thread::detach]''' ''channel'' : '''[thread::attach]''' ''channel'' : '''[thread::mutex]''' ... : '''[thread::rwmutex]''' ... : '''[thread::cond]''' ... ** Description ** Some resources are shared between threads. The effect on other threads must be taken into account when manipulating them. Such resources include: '''[env%|%environment variables]''': '''`[exit]`''': Exits the process, regardless of which thread executed it. The value passed to `[exit]` only propagates as the process exit code if `[exit]` is called from the main thread. '''`[pwd]`''': `[cd]` changes the current directory for all threads. '''[stdio]''': [stdin], [stdout], and [stderr] are between all threads. But note that some platforms, namely [Microsoft Windows%|%Windows], do not provide these channels to processes. On those platforms, the standard channels can not be assumed to be shared among all threads. '''Corollary''': In Windows, `puts` string output within threads do not show up in the ''wish shell''. This is quity tricky, since novices could believe that the first threads created do not work. It must be noted especially that Tcl error output (always to ''stderr'') does not appear in the shell as well. Hint: during basic thread debugging, please use plain ''tclsh'' instead of ''wish''. Once debugged, one can use ''wish'' as well. [thread::errorproc]: This is a global setting, common to all threads. ** ttrace sub-package ** The 2.6 release adds a sub-package called Ttrace. This allows for easy propagation of interpreter related resources ([procedure]s, [namespace]s, objects (for [XOTcl])). Usage is trivial: yust wrap the code you want to replicate within ttrace::eval like this: ====== package req Thread package req Ttrace for {set i 0} {$i < 4} {incr i} { set tid($i) [thread::create -preserved] } ttrace::eval { proc foo args { puts foo } proc bar args { puts bar } } ====== and execute this from any thread created by the thread extension. This will replicate the definitions of 'foo' and 'bar' to all existing threads. In the above example, all 4 threads will be seeded. One very important design feature of Ttrace is that resources are propagated in a lazy fashion. That is, nothing is actually done in other threads until the resource gets referenced for the first time. This is accomplished by overloading the [Tcl] [unknown] command. So, when the [unknown] triggers, it tries to locate the resource definition by doing a lookup in the Ttrace private (in-memory) database first. On hit, the definition is loaded on-the-fly in the current interpreter. On miss, the [unknown] processing is delegated down-the-road. This way, thread startup and memory consumption are minimized. Thanks to [Vince Darley] for his great command [trace] framework, which is used as the base for the Trace package. For more information see 'man ttrace'. ** Threads and the event loop ** [Silas] 2006-12-17: By default threads that are not the main thread don't have an [event loop] (Am I wrong?). Do add it, insert a [[[vwait] forever]] or [[vwait ''your_variable'']] inside your '''thread::create''' block. <
> [AKM] 2006-10-26 I thought the advice was to use '''thread::wait''' so that the thread can be terminated with '''thread::release'''? ** Examples ** [Sharing a common logger thread example]: An example by [Zoran Vasiljevic] of a logger thread and worker threads on c.l.t. (add google groups reference here): ** Example: A Cookbook Approach** [Marty Backe] 2002-02-21: ''How to use the Thread2.1 package'' ====== #! /bin/sh #\ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" package require Thread 2.1 # # Start a thread. If you will be running many long running commands # at the same time, just create multiple threads identical to this one, and # keep track of the threadID's. # set threadID [thread::create { # # From here to the 'thread::wait' statement, define the procedure(s) # that will be called from your main program (which, btw, is thread #1) # # In this case, I've defined a simple procedure that executes the command # passed into this thread. This command could be an external program or # long running tcl command. # # The result is then sent back to the main program (thread 1) via a call # to a procedure in thread 1. In this example, it's a procedure defined # at the global level. # # The 'thread::wait' is required to keep this thread alive indefinitely. # proc runCommand {ID command} { set result [eval $command] eval [subst {thread::send -async $ID \ {::printResult [list $result]}}] } thread::wait }] # # Here is the procedure that gets called from the thread when the thread # has completed its work. # proc printResult result { puts $result exit } proc passTheTime {} { puts [clock format [clock seconds]] after 1000 passTheTime } # # Here we define a sample command, and pass it into the previously started # thread. # set commandString "exec du -sk /usr/local" eval [subst {thread::send -async $threadID \ {runCommand 1 [list $commandString ]}}] # # In this example, lets just pass the time until the thread is complete # passTheTime vwait forever ====== [AW]: The above example also provides a nice way to get results from a worker thread back to your main program: have the worker thread send them back to the main thread in the same way you send work to the worker threads. Also, note that there is an equivalent way of making a command with replaced params, instead of `eval [[subst ...]]`: ====== thread::send -async $threadID \ [list runCommand 1 [list $commandString ]] ====== Also note that the main thread is not `1` on windows, so you'll need to pass the main thread ID to the worker threads. ** To Do ** update ftp://ftp.tcl.tk/pub/tcl/thread/: as of 2013-05-28, the latest version there is 2.6.7rc1 ** Gotcha: `tsv::lappend` ** [PYK] 2015-03-27: Unlike `[lappend]`, which can leverage Tcl's [copy-on-write] semantics, `tsv::lappend` must copy the list in order to return it. This can be slow, and is almost never what you want in a threaded program. The short answer is ''always use `::tsv::lpush` instead of `tsv::lappend`. Other commands that don't return the entire list are also ok: `::tsv::set` `::tsv::linsert`, `::tsv::lpush` `::tsv::lpop`, and `::tsv::keylset` In the future, perhaps `::tsv::lappend` should take a hint from `::tsv::linsert` and not return the list. ** Debugging ** [AW]: Debugging threads is non-obvious at first. This does work under tclsh, but not under wish (the puts from inside the thread is not displayed in the console): ====== package require Thread catch {console show} set ::gThread [thread::create {thread::wait}] puts [list {created thread} $::gThread] proc test {} { puts {test starting} thread::send -async $::gThread {puts [clock seconds]} after 2000 test puts {test ending} } test puts {started first test} #only needed for tclsh, to keep the interpreter alive and keep the event loop running vwait forever ====== The reason is described here [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.tcl/browse_thread/thread/3aca510e4e456682/e14677c573f79354]. Replacing the thread command by: ====== thread::send -async $::gThread { tk_messageBox -message [clock seconds] -title t -type ok } ====== Also does not work under wish (messagebox is never shown). The reason for that becomes obvious when you implement a thread error proc: ====== proc ThreadError {thread_id errorInfo} { puts [list {Error in thread $thread_id. Error:} $errorInfo] } thread::errorproc ThreadError ====== There is no tk in the thread's tcl interpreter. (This is probably due to tk not being thread safe?) So finally, this works in both tclsh and wish: ====== set ::a 0 package require Thread catch {console show} set ::gThread [thread::create {thread::wait} ] puts "created thread $::gThread" proc test {} { puts [list {test starting} $::a] thread::send -async $::gThread { return [clock seconds] } ::a after 2000 test puts [list {test ending} $::a] } test puts {started first test} #only needed for tclsh, to keep the interpreter alive and keep the event loop running vwait forever ====== Alternatively, you can use the technique under 'A Cookbook Approach' above to send a command back to your main thread. ** Misc ** One curiousity--even annoyance--of threads prior to the 2.6 release is that, while threads can communicate variables and other resources, they do '''not''' have an easy way to share [proc] definitions. The main alternatives are to: * re-[source] in definitions from the file system; or * stuff a proc definition in a variable, send the variable, and [eval] 2.6 will provide [[ttrace::eval]], as in ====== ttrace::eval source myfile.tcl ====== Commands proper? For the foreseeable future, each thread must [load] its own. ---- [Punana] 2009-05-05: I tried using the thread callback in wish, on no matter what I did, the thread was never able to find the callback proc in the main thread. So, eventually I found a work around, Instead of using "thread::errorproc ThreadError" for an error reporting method, I manually generate an error inside the thread, and use the errorproc callback to do what I wanted in the first place. ---- [Ro] 2011-09-16: Anyone know where to find a threaded build of tclkit for OSX? 8.5 preferably... Roy Keene's tclkit-8.5.9-macosx-i686 from http://rkeene.org/projects/info/wiki/Tclkits isn't threaded. ---- [AK] 2011-09-16 11:54:21: ActiveState's basekits are threaded for OS X, Windows in all versions, and threaded for all platforms for 8.5+. ---- [MHo] See [processing dirs with tpool]. <> Package | Threads